Balancing Touch Reflexology – Relax, Repair & Heal
Regular reflexology treatments may help relieve the effects of stress and generally improve health and wellbeing
Reflexology is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is a non-invasive, complimentary holistic technique which has now become more widely studied and accepted as a therapy which has the ability to assist the body to heal itself.
As a practicing Reflexologist for over 20 years, I understand there are ‘unseen’ connections on the feet, for instance, which connect to vital organs and systems in the body, via nerves, circulation and energy channels (meridians).
In a typical session I will apply specific massage and finger techniques specific to reflexology to stimulate these ‘hidden’ connections to the body, and remove any obvious energy blockages.
Many people have tender or uncomfortable areas on their feet, and these provide a sign or convey information relating to the corresponding body part or system. It is then my goal to ‘read and interpret’ these signs and messages your body is conveying via your feet. Strange as it might seem, but can be quite illuminating and often makes sense if you are experiencing problems in that area of the body already. Often the signs through your feet have to do with the stress we hold inside of us, not just ill-fitting shoes. Reflexology specific techniques are applied to these tender areas and carefully released.
The goal in each session is to improve all aspects of the bodily systems, such as circulation, digestion, elimination of waste and toxins, release of lymphatic accumulations, calm the nervous system, relieve stress and anxiety, reduce pain and tension, etc.
Reflexology is useful for most health conditions – here are just a few to consider:
Stress and anxiety, stimulating the relaxation response
General health and wellbeing
Improved energy levels (chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc)
Improving quality of sleep and insomnia
Relief of headaches & migraines (depending on cause)
Improved digestion and elimination
Improved aches and pains (back, neck, shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, etc)
Improved pain levels
Improved breathing
Increased healing of colds and infections
Eased sinus congestion
Boosted circulation
Improved immunity
Improved hormonal ups and downs
Supported emotional balance
Menstrual irregularities (depending on cause)
Improved fertility (depending on cause)
Improved skin conditions
Post-surgical recovery and healing
Chemo-induced nausea
Pregnancy discomfort (nausea, indigestion, back discomfort, sciatica, swollen feet, relaxation)
Plus much more…
Please Note: Many conditions may be assisted with regular reflexology sessions. But as always, if your health condition or pain persists, seek medical attention without delay. Reflexology, whilst very helpful, is not a replacement for good quality medical care. I often say to clients: “If you are in pain, or are suffering from a medical or emotional condition, seek medical attention first, ascertain what you are dealing with, and then seek reflexology to help you recover naturally.
Reflexology is most effective at providing deeper states of calm and relaxation and this is one of the most effective ways to help your body heal.
I encourage you to make an appointment, visit my clinic in Picton and experience for yourself the health improvements reflexology can offer. Phone or message Tracey on 0407 104 615.
Balancing Touch Reflexology Sessions Available: