Archangel Metatron’s Sacred Geometry Energy Healing
Archangel Metatron Oracle Perspective & Healing
30 mins – A healing oracle reading with Archangel Metatron to help provide a clearer perspective on some of the personal issues you are experiencing.
December 12, 2020
Archangel Metatron’s Sacred Geometry Energy Healing
1 hour
Our energy body and chakras accumulate and fill up with heaviness and attachments brought upon by our focus on fears, repetitive negative thoughts, traumatic events and more.
These energy blocks stifle and weigh us down so we simply cannot experience our best life. The Archangel Metatron’s sacred geometry healing technique can restore your energy back to its natural healthy balance and vitality. In addition, I will work with Metatron to bring healing into the etheric layer of your aura where all pain, illness and disease begin before it manifests into your physical reality. Good energy maintenance to have done regularly.