
Archangel Michael (meaning: Who is like God) is the Angel of courage, strength and protection and he will stand by your side with his mighty sword and shield, ready to protect you. He is associated with the words truth, courage, strength, success and faith. Michael carries a mighty sword, which, when you ask for his assistance, he uses artfully to protect you, cutting through the cords that bind you to people, places and things that are not for your highest good.

Michael will help you with courage, giving you initiative, willpower, drive and energy to follow your path and complete your tasks to that end. He is depicted in historical images as the slayer of the dragon or ‘demon’ that is our fear. He will help you to develop the strength and focus needed to be successful. When we call out to Archangel Michael, he comes to us instantly.

He will be there for us in any kind of perceived crisis. He will offer you protection, to release fears, doubts, any negativity and to embrace your strength, courage, and to illuminate truth upon any situation. Spray once or twice above your head and in front of you, then walk directly into the path of your fragrant mist. Allow Archangel Michael’s cloak of protection to completely envelop your aura (the field of energy surrounding your body), offering you his energy of protection, and love, as well as upliftment. This beautiful mist will also encourage you to feel safe when speaking and living your truth. (For whenever you drop your fear, there is only love left in its place.)


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